What others had to say:
V165 Innovative Hypnotic Techniques
The inductions and the explanation of what takes place were very
beneficial. Being able to stop, rewind, and replay allowed me to
thoroughly grasp certain techniques. How your trials, and errors
perfected the techniques. There is so much info I’m looking forward to
John B. New Bedford, MA.
Great techniques for removing imprints. Techniques for every area of
weight loss. Many different techniques for smoking cessation. I feel
that I have a great toolbox to use with many different people. So many
different ways using direct, indirect removing imprints.
Kristi K. Midland, MI.
The ice sculpture technique was beneficial. Post hypnotic.
Determining desire for weight loss. Increase desire for stop smoking.
The class covers a lot of useful material. Material that helps the client.
Valenhia V. Toronto, Canada
The concept of truisms, I never thought these in this way before. So
many gems for weight loss. Beneficial the technique of beware 3. The
beach as both a deepening and a therapeutic tool. The practicality of
the information and techniques, they work. Everything can be applied
immediately. Thanks.
Charlene D. Richmond, VA.
Clarity of information. Examples of techniques in sessions. Insights of
all phases of a hypnosis session. Organization, how each page is
labeled for use. How each page can be used for multiple areas.
Barbara F. Crest Hill, IL.
The wonderful information and techniques. The simplicity of it. The
confidence that if you try, you cannot fail. Don is so animated and
entertaining. He makes all techniques look easy, and uncomplicated. I
learned so much.
Jacqueline B. Sarasota, FL.