Terminator for Children


Product Description

Terminator for Children:

This powerful CD focuses on school work and building self-esteem in children.
Perfect for children between the ages of eight and fifteen years old.

WHY USE THE TERMINATOR CD’S RATHER THAN A NORMAL HYPNOTIC TAPE? The answer is easy. Today the average person does not have the time to sit back, close their eyes and spend 30 minutes listening to a tape. They want and need something that they can play while conducting other activities.

The Terminator CD is the answer.

IMPRINT TERMINATOR CD’S Every hypnotherapist understands the importance of positive repetition. The Imprint CD’s are over 60 minutes in length. These exciting CD’s combines soothing music with positive suggestions that will aid in removing negative imprints. It has also been shown that this CD will help to avoid future imprints. Since hypnosis will not be induced the CD can be played anytime in any place, even while driving a car. The key to the success of these CD’s is the use of repetition.

The perfect way to help yourself while increasing your income. With the purchase of any of these CD’s you will receive the rights to copy it and then resell to clients. This CD may be copied over to a cassette tape or reproduced onto CD’s. Typical selling price is between $10.00 and $20.00.

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Don Mottin

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