Working with Cancer Patients and the Caregiver


Product Description

Working with Cancer Patients and the Caregiver

Sample Video

Using hypnosis to aid cancer patients is accomplished in four ways:

  1. The first type of session helps the cancer patients address the symptoms that they are experiencing from their particular type of cancer. Many times the actual treatment can produce many negative symptoms that hypnosis can help eliminate or decrease.
  2. The second way that hypnosis helps is by creating positive expectations of the future.
  3. The third type of hypnosis sessions deals with the emotional issues that are present in every cancer patient. Although cancer is attacking the physical body, the mental outlook must also be treated.
  4. Finally, the fourth element, and perhaps the most important is dealing with the self-healing abilities of the clients.

What you will Learn:

A one day exciting class that will teach you how to work in conjunction with the medical community. If you are ready to take your practice to the next level this class is a must. Yes, you will master the techniques to help cancer patients, but this class does not stop there. This program also covers heart disease, and Parkinson’s disease, and other chronic illnesses. There are over 40 million people suffering from just cancer, heart disease, and Parkinson’s.
The most overlooked type of session are those that are being conducted for the caregivers. Too often the family members who are providing care for a loved one goes through very normal stages. They may mentally beat themselves up for not being there 24 hours a day. It is very normal for these remarkable people to feel like they could just scream if the relative requests one more thing. Two remarkable things take place when hypnosis is used. First, the family caregivers realize that they are not alone with the feelings, and thoughts that they are experiencing. The second exciting step is when the caregiver begins to accept the fact that they can actually do more for their relative by taking care of themselves. This is where the three session hypnosis program comes in. The people who are caring for those with chronic illnesses may need even more care than the patients. This class covers both relatives of the patients as well as the licensed professionals. There are literally millions of caregivers in the country today. These wonderful professionals can experience burn out quicker than most other professions.

You Will Receive:

  1. 4 DVD’s
  2. 1 bonus DVD
  3. Marketing Material – Written Authorizations
    All participants will receive authorization to use all of the marketing material. Just a few of the items included in the marketing package are: letters, brochures, flyers, audio CDs, handouts, business cards, and even a full PowerPoint presentation. Material for both a 15 minute talk as well as an hour-long seminar will be provided. Imagine having material specially designed to help you make contact, and secure hypnosis sessions from oncologists, physical therapists, registered nurses, occupational therapist, cardiologists, neurologists, certified nurse assistants, hospice workers, nursing homes, and many other who need to now take care of themselves. You will have all of the material to reach individuals in the medical community as well as the millions of family members caring for their loved ones
  4. Audio CD
  5. Workbook
  6. Certificate (Fill out and mail us the form at the end of the workbook)
  7. Continuing Education Units
  8. Cancer Course Material Picture





Video 1Video 2Video 3Video 4Video 5 BONUS VIDEO

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Video 4


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Don Mottin

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