Rewire The Brain For Stroke Survivors


Product Description

Rewire The Brain For Stroke Survivors

Sample Video

What is a stroke?

In very simple terms, a stroke is a brain attack. This takes place when blood flow is cut off to a certain part of the brain. Without blood flow a portion of the brain will die. The good news is that we can actually help rewire the brain. Imagine what could take place if the brain could start learning a new function. For years, neurologists have known that the brain has the ability to repair itself.

Where does hypnosis fit into this procedure?

There are literally dozens and dozens of behaviors that can be affected after a stroke. You will learn to work with over 20 different symptoms. Here is your chance to give something very valuable to another individual. A full workbook with scripts, techniques, and affirmations. Four DVDs of the live class. This will give you the confidence you need to be a success when working with stroke survivors.

Why do I have such a passion when it comes to working with stroke survivors?

That’s an easy one. I had a major stroke that left me in a wheelchair with a number of disabling side effects. The amount of negative suggestions that I received were truly overwhelming. Thankfully, I had been in full-time hypnosis practice for over 20 years at that time. I knew how important it was to be selective of what I would choose to believe and what suggestions I would instantly reject. As a child, I remember hearing the phrase ?when one door closes another opens.? I wondered if that could be true for recovering from a stroke. With one part of the brain closing down, could another part start to take over I mentally called this rewiring the brain, as I used self-hypnosis over a dozen times each and every day.

As improvement began slowly, I felt that I discovered something earth shattering. In reality, I discovered what experts have known for a long time. The term for what was happening with me is NEUROPLASTICITY. This is a fancy word for training the brain to begin to use another portion of the brain to make up for the part that was damaged. I became excited about the use of hypnosis to aid the stroke survivor. I discovered that I was not alone. In the United States, every 45 seconds a person will have a stroke. There are literally millions of people who are looking for a way to improve their quality of life after a stroke. As we know, hypnosis allows us to reach the subconscious level of the mind. There are literally dozens of different aspects of the stroke survivor?s life that can be improved with the aid of hypnotic suggestions. We have also developed hypnotic sessions for the caregivers who too often are overlooked, and don’t realize what is happening with them.

Don Mottin, CI, DNGH,OB

You Will Learn:

  • About Depth Perception and Vision Loss
  • About Fatigue and Apathy
  • About Impulsive Behavior and Denial
  • About Memory Loss – Short/Long Term
  • About Numbness and Paralyses
  • About Relationships
  • About Restoring Speaking Abilities
  • About Spasticity and Pain Control
  • About the Foot Drop and Equilibrium
  • About Weakness and Vertigo
  • How Communication Skills Are Affected
  • How Dignity is Lost and Then Recovered
  • How to Deal with Seizures
  • How to Reduce Falls
  • How to Remove Fears
  • Left Side Neglect and Being in Denial
  • Personality Changes-Positive and Negative
  • Physical and Physiological Plateaus
  • The Changes in Emotions
  • What Happens to Your Self-Esteem
  • Plus, much, much ,more
You Will Receive or get Access to Stream/Download:

  • Caregivers 3-Session Program
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Continuing Education Hours (CEUs)
  • Definition of Stroke Terminology
  • Progress Form
  • Special Stroke Intake Form
  • The 12 Affirmations for Recovery
  • Class Handouts
  • The Stroke Workbook
  • Bonus material for Geriatric Community
  • Four DVDs


Video 1Video 2Video 3Video 4

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Video 4

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Don Mottin

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