Parts Therapy and Beyond


Product Description

Parts Therapy and Beyond

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After completing this class, you will have the ability to not only discover the origin of the problem, but also eliminate the negative behavior that the client has been holding onto.

The title of this exciting class was chosen for a reason. First, parts therapy has been utilized by many different people, even Freud used a variation of Parts Therapy. In almost every type of method that is used with hypnosis there tends to be the good, the bad, and the useless. Too often, a person becomes too wrapped up in a single version of a technique and they are not delivering the success that the client deserves.

Hence this is why the title is Parts Therapy and Beyond. Don Mottin has always been known to take a complicated technique and turn it into a working module. Don has taken the best of Parts Therapy, adding his own material to come up with a program that will radically change the way that you work with clients. After completing this class, you will have the ability to not only discover the origin of the problem, but also eliminate the negative behavior that the client has been holding onto.

Don Mottin has hypnotized more than 50,000 clients over a thirty-two year career. Like NLP, parts therapy can be conducted outside of a hypnotic state, but the success rate is much lower, and clients tend to be more likely to slip back into negative behaviors.

Don realizes that anytime a hypnotist is considering attending a class there are three concerns that they may have.

  1. First, will the new learned material enhance their success rate?
  2. Second, will there be written material to back up what was taught in the class?
  3. Third consideration, is the instructor capable of teaching the key points without adding fluff to the class?
  4. The answers are Yes, Yes, and Yes.
You will learn
  • What is Parts Therapy and Beyond
  • How to avoid ab-reactions
  • The importance of being flexible
  • When to and when not to lead
  • Portions of Parts Therapy to avoid
  • How to use positive anticipation
  • The use of anchors
  • The importance of the preliminary
  • Removing subconscious parts
  • Utilizing the defect technique
  • Changing sides, and when to use it
  • Classifying client type
  • Maximizing the use of ideo-motor response
  • When to leave a behavior at the subconscious level
  • Type of clients that respond best to parts therapy
  • Learn individual steps of Parts Therapy & Beyond
  • Build your confidence even before leaving class
  • The four types of regression
  • Achieving the correct level of hypnosis
  • Using the safety zone
  • Creating conscious and subconscious rapport
  • Post session suggestions
  • Why 20% of hypnotists fail with visualization
  • When to use direct and indirect suggestions
  • Obtaining The Word of Honor
  • Know when and how to negotiate for success
  • Using the technique of changing history
  • When to compliment the client

What you will receive 

  • Valuable workbook that contains each step and technique written out for you or access to download.
  • 4 DVDs with a full session using Parts Therapy and beyond or access to stream from the webpage or download.
  • A Certificate of Completion
  • The 23 steps of Parts Therapy and Beyond or the access to download.
Video 1Video 2Video 3Video 4

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Video 4

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Streaming/Download Version, Physical product shipped, or Thumb-Drive Version

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Don Mottin

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  1. admin

    What others had to say:

    F- 175 Parts Therapy and Beyond

    The live demonstration of a real-Life case of Parts Therapy revealed a surprise element. The
    written workbook was great. After several courses both live and on DVD I never wasted time or
    money. Don delivers much more than he promises. Gary C……

    Liked the fact, did a demo first and then analyzed it. Fabulous as usual. …Joann A.

    Regressing to the part that was causing the problem. Don has taken Parts Therapy to a new
    level by compounding his techniques with the old Parts Therapy. Well worth the investment !
    ……Brad R.

    Don, I have enjoyed great results with Parts and have probably used it with almost every client
    at some point. I had to learn by my mistakes as I went along so I was very glad to see that your
    course very comprehensively covered all the Tips ‘n Traps. Wish I’d taken it ten years ago.
    Great course!….Tim J.

    I liked seeing it all put together. Loved Don’s energy and enthusiasm. The content of the course
    was thorough and complete….. Barbara H.

    Innovative approach to reaching clients. Client’s are instrumental in their own change. Don is
    passionate about his work. He empowers others to get up and go…. Florine L .

    I will implement subconscious spiritual compromise with soul parts. The open mind and desire
    to offer care. Don Mottin gives both professional and business insight. Karen K….

    Thanks so much for such a thorough and fulfilling course. There was so much to learn and it was
    covered clearly and the examples and ideas were meaningful. Don is a great presenter…..
    Elliott M.

    I enjoyed the time I spent with you. I originally took this class at the convention from another
    instructor, but felt I needed a refresher, and reinforcement. Thank you for fulfilling my
    expectations…..Dorothy G.

    Parts therapy was educational demos, practical information with a good workbook…..Vivian L.

    Great class, thoroughly enjoyed it and feel I can go out and immediately implement this
    material. Very thorough and well worth attending…..Jennifer L.

    I thought the class was very enlightening. I will be using this in the future…..Makia E.

    I now feel very confident integrating Parts Therapy into my practice, Thank you…..Nicole M.

    Excellent presentation that will fine tune my practice. Roger N.

    Liked the fact, did a demo first and then analyzed it. Fabulous as usual. Joann A.

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