HDR (Hypnotist’s Desk Reference)


Product Description

HDR (Hypnotist’s Desk Reference)

Most people have heard of the PDR, Physicians Desk Reference. Well here is the HDR, Hypnotherapy Desk Reference.

Yes, it does come with the written manual that is over 150 pages in length, but that is just the beginning. This is a full computerized program. It will not only tell you what to say, but also when to say it. With the HDR, when a client comes in for a session you will look up the type of session on your computer and then scripts and therapeutic techniques will be right in front of you on your computer screen.

For example: If you were working with a nail biter you would see script 46 and special techniques R & W.

All of the information is available by computer and in your written copy of the HDR. Over 90 different sessions are covered in this program.

What You Will Receive:

The Computer Program or Access to download

The Instructional Audio CD that describes how each therapeutic technique is used or Access to download

A Full Workbook or Access to download, and

A certificate of completion will be awarded.

Additional information

Streaming/Download Version, Physical product shipped, or Thumb-Drive Version

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